Signs of Spring

Despite the fact that it's currently fairly cold outside, there are plenty of signs that spring is not that far away. I snapped a few pictures in our front yard here on Circle Drive, though not all of them are well-centered (in bright sunshine, it's hard to see the viewfinder).
The daffodils have sprung up, and some of them look almost ready to bloom:

These little white flowers (can't remember the name... gee, if only there were any readers who know stuff about plants...) have been up and blooming for a while now.

And we've got several of these nice yellow crocuses (croci? crocus? croceroceroi?) which have opened up just in the past few days.

I forgot to mention that Ingrid has noticed some of the same signs in her neck of the woods...
Those white things? Snow-drops. They came out ages ago, like in early
February, and so got a bit nailed in that really cold period we had a couple of weeks ago. And so they look a bit whacked now...
Great botanical post, Eric.
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