Sunday, December 28, 2008

Some of our favorite things

Nia with Mami,

Beer with Daddy,

Hanging out with my head upside down,

Snoozing with Tía Jenny,

Bonus! Dog photo!
Moose with his Christmas bone,

(he did not really mind trying to eat it through the wrapping paper and the plastic encasing it!)

Friday, December 12, 2008


Thalia has been smiling away at us for several weeks now, for good chunks of time, even. The problem has been catching a smile with the camera. Either the camera is not handy or we just want to enjoy the smiles and coos for ourselves in the moment or she sees the camera and is like, "What? Smile? What's that?" But yesterday I managed to get some photos.

We have a rather prolonged morning in bed time most days. And Thalia tends to be quite happy and smiley then. I love this I'm-so-happy-my eyes-shut face!

I think one of Thalia's favorite places in the world is her changing table. She is always very happy there, except when very hungry. So by leaving her there for a couple of minutes and taking a million photos I managed to get some shots of her smiling.

While on the changing table and smiling, Thalia is always looking the same way- I believe she is entertained by the painted, colored rings that I put on the slanted ceiling above her. It's funny because when I put them there, I had no idea she would be able to see them or that she would like them so much! Here's a photo of them, from her perspective, more-or-less,