Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Dogs Miss Daniela!

Which explains why they've been so bad... First Raz got sick.. had to take her to the vet for all kinds of tests. She didn't like her medicine very much, or her new food. So she has taken to pawing at the food bowl to, apparently, dislodge the medicinal powder from the bits of dogfood. She knocks a few pieces of kibble out of the bowl and then either eats them one by one, or sometimes plays soccer and kicks the piece around the kitchen. She sometimes then eats it, or Lucy gets it first.

There have also been higher-than-usual rates of peeing in the house and pooping in the house.

Then there's the usual stuff. Like Raz deciding to dominate her sister by lying on top of her...

Saturday, April 15, 2006

(More) Photos from the (grand) tour

Here's Millie and her Uncle Eric, both smiling at some goofy thing Kevin said.

Millie and Daniela mug for the camera.

I have no earthly idea who this statue represents but it was outside the Museum of Natural History so...who knows!

Zubin, the son of Daniela's friend Jena, was feeling kind of photo-phobic. I don't think he knew I snapped this one of him as he was running up and down the stairs outside of the Museum.

This is Jena with Daniela. I (dlb) love this photo, cos I look like a slightly crazed person and Jena looks very zen - like she has some reserve of inner tranquility. That's something I've never been able to find, it must be buried very deep inside me!

Zubin is forced to have is photo taken when Daniela scoops him up! And here I am continuing with my crazy-look!

These next are photos of Daniela's nephews who live in Brooklyn...

Tiger is pretty confident he's going to beat Eric at Risk, especially since he kept coming up with new rules!

Atticus loves roller-blading but sometimes needs a hand.

Midnight Hula (the Klein-Kaplan yorkie) and Tiger go for a ride.

I just adore the expressions on both Atticus andTiger.

I took Eric down to the Promenade in Bklyn Heights to take in the wonderful views of the harbor and downtown Manhatten. You can see the Statue of Liberty really well, it just never comes out as well in photos...but the sunset was pretty!

Downtown, over the old Brooklyn piers and the East River we go...

Looking down Pierrepont St (which I used to live on!) toward the Promendade.

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Thursday, April 13, 2006

Whirlwind tour of our whirlwind tour...

So, we're back home. At last. Eric was gone for nearly 2 whole weeks, and Daniela for 1 1/2. Eric went to Atlanta and Macon, Georgia, for his annual fantasy baseball geekfest, from Thursday to Sunday.

(the Carter Presidential Library in Atlanta, in the exact replica of Pres. Carter's Oval Office. Also went to the King Center and Ebenezer Baptist Church and to an historic tavern.)

But his flight back from ATL was delayed, such that he missed his connection. He was booked onto another flight, connecting through Dallas, which was then delayed. Twice. So he then had to stay the night in Dallas (having failed to get on a different flight on standby) and fly to Indy the next morning, Monday.

Which was when he and Daniela were supposed to leave for Maine. So Daniela packed a new bag for him and met him at the airport. Come to think of it, Eric (that's me writing this, for some reason in the 3rd person) spent almost 2 entire days in airports.

But we had a lovely time in Maine doing wedding planning (and getting sleeted and snowed upon). Even had time to drink some good beer and do a little hike.

Weather was bad our first day in Maine, though the sleet and wind resulted in some good surf! Weather was great for half of the next day, when we were inside doing wedding stuff, and then got worse the rest of the day, when we took a hike.... but at least it didn't start snowing till we were on the road (really!).

Then we flew to Connecticut to see Eric's family, especially his brother and sister-in-law and their 2 children, Anna and the nearly newborn Millie. Millie is beautiful, even though she had a poop explosion onto Eric's shirt while he was holding her. And we had a nice dinner with Eric's parents too. [Millie pictures coming soon-- they're on Daniela's camera...]

Then we took the train to New York, to see Daniela's sister and nephews. We also got to see one of Daniela's high school friends and her son. And of course we had some great food. And saw some sights.

Walked across the Brooklyn Bridge. Gorgeous day. Great views of the Manhattan skyline, the Statue of Liberty (which I believe says, "Immigrants, keep out!", or something like that), etc.

THEEENNN, we flew back to Indy on Monday evening. We left for DC the next morning. For a baseball game. So we just stayed over in Indy at an airport hotel, but did at least manage to have a great dinner out at our favorite Indianapolis restaurant. Yum.

Had a nice time in DC-- beautiful weather, fun time at the ballpark (even if the good guys lost), great dinner at our favorite DC restaurant, beer at our favorite DC bar, hanging out with friends. We even got to boo Dick Cheney, who threw out the first pitch at the game (badly) and was booed quite lustily by the DC crowd. And, oh, Placido Domingo sang the national anthem!

(Eric has his "rally cap" on, but alas, it didn't work..)