Whose Bed Is It Anyway?
Moose says: "Ummmm... Raz is sleeping on MY bed. What's a dog to do?"

"Hey, Raz! Raz? Could you move please? Raz? Please?"

"Um, OK. I guess I'll just sleep here next to my bed, while you sleep in my bed..."

[Eric removes Raz to the couch. Moose immediately curls up on bed]

Moose seems not to understand that he is several times Raz's size...
Oh, poor Moosey. Maybe he needs to take some assertiveness training.
Moose! You are such a silly. And Raz, such a bed stealer. That's my assertive Raz-dog! She clearly thinks she rules the world and all beds included. Love you Raz, Lucy, and Moose! I also love Eric very much!!! xoxoxoxo
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