Snow Dog

It snowed last night and, much to my surprise, we got actual accumulation-- 3 inches or so.
Moose, of course, was thrilled. He really loves the snow-- sniffing, running, digging in it as long as he can.

This morning he tried to get Lucy to play with him, but she was having none of it. He did several "play-bows" to her and even nudged her with his muzzle a few times. She stood there motionless. Good try, Moose, and better luck next time...

Poor moosey. If only he had one of the pitt mix puppies to play with...of course we could all use one of those pitt mix puppies to play with.
Do pugs ever respond to play-dog behavior? Is it rare for Moose to play-bow to the pugs? Just curious.
Lucy does play with other dogs, but mostly dogs her size... I think she might be a bit intimidated by Moose's size...
Rudy would love to play with him.
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