The Daily Walk, Part II
(continued from previous post)
4. I'm Being Followed By a Moose Shadow. Actually, in this picture, as on all walks, it is Eric (or his shadow) who follows Moose.

5. Happiness Is a Good Walk. The expression says it all.

6. The worst part of a walk is the end... but here one can also see the new paint job on our house.

Next up: Pugs au naturel (light, that is)...
Nice paint job on the house!
Isn't the new paint nice? It only took about a million years. We have a very painstakingly slow painter (not to mention a very impatient renter or two).
It's quite funny how Moose slows down a lot when he realizes it's time to go back in the house, except on days when it's really hot and he is very tired. He'd much rather be walking.
know all about slow painters . . . we still only have the main color and accent colors on. No trim. and that took 4 months.
did raz, lucy, and moose have trouble recognizing the house after their walks?
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