I'm a white belt!
This means that I can teach Nia now. All's I have to do is... learn routines, find a place to teach, get people to come to class...yeah. No problem! But really, hopefully it shouldn't be too hard.
Nia is a mind-body-spirit fitness practice that totally rocks. It's really fun- the whole point of Nia is to find JOY through movement. Nia does NOT subscribe to the "no pain no gain" perception of many fitness practices. And yet it is one hell of a workout. I tell you, I've never sweated so much and had so much fun at the same time! It is ever-changing- you can't get bored, even if you do the same routine over and over and over- because there are different focuses that you can bring to the practice, and different intensity levels you can do. Nia is truly for everyone, for every fitness level, for every age, for every mindset. I am so excited to start teaching!
Here is a photo of my fellow white belts from the recent white belt intensive in Portland, OR. The co-founders of Nia, Debbie Rosas and Carlos Rosas, are also in the photo- to the right, the bald woman and long-haired man. (Thanks to Deb and Barry Schlouch for the photo). We had people from all over the country (California, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Texas, Connecticut, Hawaii, Washington, Minnesota, Alaska, Massachusetts) and even the world (Canada, Japan, Australia)...they were all great people, I had a lot of fun with them!
Congratulations, Daniela!
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